This vignette shows you how to plot tableplots from
data. The workflow is optimized for
Bildungstrend-graphs, but can be expanded for plotting other
data as well.
Abbildung 6.5
First we prepare the data:
mw_prepped <- prep_tablebarplot(trend_mw,
subgroup_var = "geschlecht",
comparisons = c("groupDiff", "crossDiff_of_groupDiff")
It makes our live a lot easier if we set the comparions
argument in the above column. This dramatically reduces the output, as
only the relevant columns are prepared. To see which comparisons we
actually need, we can take a look at the plain
Now, the plot we want to build has some special requirements which demand some further preparation of the data. First of all, the example data only contains one domain, I add a second one manually. Of course you don’t have to do this, its just for demonstration purposes.
mw_prepped_lesen <- mw_prepped
mw_prepped_lesen$domain <- "Leseverstehen"
mw_prepped_hören <- mw_prepped
mw_prepped_hören$domain <- "Hörverstehen"
mw_prepped <- rbind(mw_prepped_lesen, mw_prepped_hören)
Now we can easily plot the barplot, after sorting the data.frame and adding a y-axis:
mw_prepped <- mw_prepped[order(mw_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND), ]
mw_prepped$y_axis <- 1:nrow(mw_prepped)
## Rename "total" to "Deutschland"
mw_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("total", "Deutschland", mw_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
mw_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("ue", "ü", mw_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
The tables need some more work, because they need to be connected with the barplot, but only have half the rows. Therefore we need to build separate variables for each table part, with the respective rows of the domain not plotted in the table half set to empty strings.
mw_prepped_lesen <- mw_prepped
mw_prepped_lesen[mw_prepped_lesen$domain == "Hörverstehen", colnames(mw_prepped) != "y_axis"] <- NA
mw_prepped_hören <- mw_prepped
mw_prepped_hören[mw_prepped_hören$domain == "Leseverstehen", colnames(mw_prepped) != "y_axis"] <- NA
mw_preped_lh <- merge(mw_prepped_lesen, mw_prepped_hören, by = c("y_axis"), suffixes = c("_lesen", "_hören"))
mw_prepped_final <- merge(mw_prepped, mw_preped_lh, by = c("y_axis"))
Now we can plot the table like usual, with one exception: I can nudge the table contents a bit downwards, so they also fill the empty row.
tableplot_6.5 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = mw_prepped_final,
bar_est = "est_2022_groupDiff_mean",
bar_fill = "domain",
bar_sig = "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean",
columns_table = list(
"TR_BUNDESLAND_lesen", "est_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", "se_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", "es_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", "est_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören", "se_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören", "es_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören"
columns_table_sig_bold = list(NULL, "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", NULL, "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören", NULL, "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören"),
columns_table_sig_superscript = list(NULL, "sig_2022_crossDiff_of_groupDiffTotal_mean_lesen", NULL, "sig_2022_crossDiff_of_groupDiffTotal_mean_lesen", "sig_2022_crossDiff_of_groupDiffTotal_mean_hören", NULL, "est_2022_crossDiff_of_groupDiffTotal_mean_hören"),
columns_round = list(NULL, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2),
columns_table_se = list(NULL, NULL, "se_2022_groupDiff_mean_lesen", NULL, NULL, "se_2022_groupDiff_mean_hören", NULL),
headers = list("Land", "*M<sub>M</sub>-M<sub>J</sub>*", "(*SE*)", "*d*", "*M<sub>M</sub>-M<sub>J</sub>*", "(*SE*)", "*d*", "**Vorsprung zugunsten der<br>Mädchen**"),
column_spanners = list("**Leseverstehen**" = c(2, 4), "**Hörverstehen**" = c(5, 7)),
y_axis = "y_axis",
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
axis_x_lims = c(-5, 70),
columns_alignment = c(0, rep(2, 6), NULL), # NULL evtl. nicht optimal, oder in die Message mit rein.
headers_alignment = c(rep(0.5, 2), 2, rep(0.5, 2), 2, 0.5, 0.5),
headers_nudge_y = c(rep(0, 7), 0.5),
columns_nudge_y = c(rep(-0.5, 4), rep(0.5, 3)),
columns_width = c(0.15, rep(0.1, 6), 0.25),
bar_nudge_y = rep(c(-0.1, 0.1), nrow(mw_prepped_lesen) / 2),
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "white", "#EBFDF3", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey", "grey"),
bar_fill_colour = c("#20D479", "#8DEBBC"),
bar_background_lines = "scale_breaks",
bar_background_lines_linetype = "solid",
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
Finally we can save the plot:
save_plot(tableplot_6.5, filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/abb6.5.pdf")
Abbildung 6.6
First the data has to be prepared:
dat_6.6 <- prep_tablebarplot(
subgroup_var = "geschlecht",
par = c("mean", "sd"), ## We need both mean and sd for the plot
comparisons = c("none", "trend", "trend_crossDiff") ## Set for smaller output-table
Afterwards, we have to bring it in the format we want to plot it in:
dat_6.6 <- subset(dat_6.6, geschlecht %in% c("m", "w"))
dat_6.6$geschlecht <- gsub("m", "Jungen", dat_6.6$geschlecht)
dat_6.6$geschlecht <- gsub("w", "Mädchen", dat_6.6$geschlecht)
dat_6.6_a <- dat_6.6[order(dat_6.6$TR_BUNDESLAND), ]
dat_6.6_a$TR_BUNDESLAND[duplicated(dat_6.6_a$TR_BUNDESLAND)] <- " "
dat_6.6_a$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("total", "Deutschland", dat_6.6_a$TR_BUNDESLAND)
dat_6.6_a <- process_bundesland(dat_6.6_a)
We will have to plot multiple plots and combine them. To do that, we will have to set the column widths, so they are identical over the different plots:
column_widths_stand <- standardize_column_width(
column_widths = list(
p1 = c(0.1, rep(0.04, 7), 0.05, rep(0.04, 2), NA),
p2 = c(0.05, rep(0.04, 2), NA)
plot_ranges = c(75, 75) # Range of the x-axes of both plots set in 'axis_x_lims'.
We can just use this object in the plot-settings to adjust the column widths.
p_1 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = dat_6.6_a,
bar_est = "est_2015 - 2009_trend_mean",
bar_label = NULL,
bar_sig = "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_mean",
bar_fill = "geschlecht",
column_spanners = list(
"**2009**<sup>a</sup>" = c(3, 4),
"**2015**<sup>a</sup>" = c(5, 6),
"**2022**<sup>a</sup>" = c(7, 8),
"**Differenz 2015-2009<sup>a</sup>**" = c(9, 12)
columns_table_se = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "se_2015 - 2009_trend_mean", NULL),
headers = list("**Land**", " ", "*M*", "*SD*", "*M*", "*SD*", "*M*", "*SD*", "*M<sub>2015</sub>-M<sub>2009</sub>*", "*(SE)*", "*d*", " "),
columns_table = c("TR_BUNDESLAND", "geschlecht", "est_2009_none_mean", "est_2009_none_sd", "est_2015_none_mean", "est_2015_none_sd", "est_2022_none_mean", "est_2022_none_sd", "est_2015 - 2009_trend_mean", "se_2015 - 2009_trend_mean", "es_2015 - 2009_trend_mean"),
columns_table_sig_bold = list(NULL, NULL, "sig_2009_none_mean",
NULL, "sig_2015_none_mean", NULL, "sig_2022_none_mean", NULL, "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_mean", NULL, "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_mean"),
columns_table_sig_superscript = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_crossDiffTotal_mean", NULL,NULL),
y_axis = "y_axis",
columns_round = c(rep(0, 10), 2),
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
axis_x_lims = c(-5, 70),
bar_pattern_spacing = 0.0154, ## We calculated this below in standardize_pattern_spacing()
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "white", "#EBFDF3", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey", "grey"),
bar_fill_colour = c("#20D479", "#8DEBBC"),
columns_alignment = c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2),
columns_width = column_widths_stand$p1, ## This is the column-width object we set above
headers_alignment = c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0),
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
p_2 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = dat_6.6_a,
bar_est = "est_2022 - 2015_trend_mean",
bar_label = NULL,
bar_sig = "sig_2022 - 2015_trend_mean",
bar_fill = "geschlecht",
column_spanners = list(
"**Differenz 2022-2015**" = c(1, 4)
headers = list(
" "
columns_table = c(
"est_2022 - 2015_trend_mean",
"se_2022 - 2015_trend_mean",
"es_2022 - 2015_trend_mean"
columns_table_se = list(NULL, "se_2022 - 2015_trend_mean", NULL),
columns_table_sig_bold = list("sig_2022 - 2015_trend_mean", NULL, "sig_2022 - 2015_trend_mean"),
columns_table_sig_superscript = list("sig_2022 - 2015_trend_crossDiffTotal_mean", NULL, NULL),
y_axis = "y_axis",
columns_round = c(0, 0, 2),
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
axis_x_lims = c(-5, 70),
bar_pattern_spacing = 0.0346, ## We calculated this below in standardize_pattern_spacing()
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "white", "#EBFDF3", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey", "grey"),
bar_fill_colour = c("#20D479", "#8DEBBC"),
columns_alignment = c(rep(0.5, 2), 2),
columns_width = column_widths_stand$p2, ## This is the column-width object we set above
headers_alignment = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0),
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
It might be necessary to standardize the pattern spacing over the plots:
bar_pattern_spacing_stand <- standardize_pattern_spacing(list(p_1, p_2), pattern_spacing = 0.05)
## Next Step: Update the bar_pattern_spacing values in your respective plots with the output values.
## [1] 0.0154 0.0346
These values have to be set in the plot-settings above.
Now we can combine the plots:
tableplot_6.6 <- combine_plots(list(p_1, p_2))
And save the result:
save_plot(tableplot_6.6, filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/abb_6.6.pdf", width = 320)
zwh_prepped <- prep_tablebarplot(trend_zwh,
subgroup_var = "zwh",
comparisons = c("groupDiff", "trend_groupDiff")
zwh_prepped <- zwh_prepped[order(zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND), ]
zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("total", "Deutschland", zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("ue", "ü", zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("Berlin", "Berlin<sup>2<sup>", zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND <- gsub("Nordrhein-Westfalen", "Nordrhein-Westfalen<sup>3<sup>", zwh_prepped$TR_BUNDESLAND)
## I add an empty column for being able to easily adjust the sapce between subplots:
zwh_prepped$empty <- NA
column_widths_stand <- standardize_column_width(
column_widths = list(
p1 = c(0.1, rep(0.035, 5), NA),
p2 = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.035, NA),
p3 = c(0.05, 0.035, NA)
plot_ranges = c(65, 65, 65) # Range of the x-axes of both plots set in 'axis_x_lims'.
p_1 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = zwh_prepped,
bar_est = "est_2022_groupDiff_mean",
bar_sig = "sig_2022_groupDiff_mean",
column_spanners = list(
"**2009**" = c(2),
"**2015**" = c(3),
"**2022**" = c(4, 7)
column_spanners_2 = list(
"**Differenz Schüler:innen mit - Schüler:innen ohne <br> Zuwanderungshintergrund**" = c(2, 7)
columns_table_se = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "se_2022_groupDiff_mean", NULL),
headers = list(
"\u0394 *M*",
"\u0394 *M*",
"\u0394 *M*",
" "
columns_table = c(
columns_table_sig_bold = list(
y_axis = "y_axis",
columns_round = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2),
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
column_spanners_2_row_height = 2,
axis_x_lims = c(0, 65),
bar_pattern_spacing = 0.0249,
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey"),
# bar_fill_colour = c("#20D479", "#8DEBBC"),
bar_background_lines = "scale_breaks",
columns_alignment = c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 0.5),
columns_width = column_widths_stand$p1,
headers_row_height = 1.5,
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
p_2 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = zwh_prepped,
bar_est = "est_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean",
bar_sig = "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean",
column_spanners = list(
"**2015 - 2009**" = c(2, 4)
column_spanners_2 = list(
"**Veränderung der Differenz<br>**" = c(2, 4)
columns_table_se = list(NULL, NULL, "est_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean"),
headers = list(
" ",
"\u0394 *M*<sub>2015</sub>-<br> \u0394 *M*<sub>2009</sub>",
" "
columns_table = c(
"est_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean",
"se_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean"
columns_table_sig_bold = list(
NULL, "sig_2015 - 2009_trend_groupDiff_mean", NULL
y_axis = "y_axis",
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
column_spanners_2_row_height = 2,
axis_x_lims = c(0, 65),
bar_pattern_spacing = 0.0375,
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey"),
bar_background_lines = "scale_breaks",
columns_alignment = c(0.5, 0.5, 2),
headers_alignment = c(0, 0, 2, 0),
headers_nudge_x = c(0, 4, 0, 0),
columns_width = column_widths_stand$p2,
headers_row_height = 1.5,
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
p_3 <- plot_tablebarplot(
dat = zwh_prepped,
bar_est = "est_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean",
bar_sig = "sig_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean",
column_spanners = list(
"**2022-2015**" = c(1, 3)
column_spanners_2 = list(
"**Veränderung der Differenz<br>**" = c(1, 3)
columns_table_se = list(NULL, "est_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean"),
headers = list(
"\u0394 *M*<sub>2015</sub>-<br> \u0394 *M*<sub>2009</sub>",
" "
columns_table = c(
"est_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean",
"se_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean"
columns_table_sig_bold = list(
"sig_2022 - 2015_trend_groupDiff_mean", NULL
y_axis = "y_axis",
plot_settings = plotsettings_tablebarplot(
bar_pattern_spacing = 0.0375,
column_spanners_2_row_height = 2,
axis_x_lims = c(0, 65),
background_stripes_colour = c(rep(c("white", "#EBFDF3"), 8), "grey"),
bar_background_lines = "scale_breaks",
columns_alignment = c(0.5, 2),
headers_alignment = c(0, 2, 0),
headers_nudge_x = c(4, 0, 0),
columns_width = column_widths_stand$p3,
headers_row_height = 1.5,
default_list = barplot_table_plot_pattern
bar_pattern_spacing_stand <- standardize_pattern_spacing(list(p_1, p_2, p_3), pattern_spacing = 0.05)
## Next Step: Update the bar_pattern_spacing values in your respective plots with the output values.
tableplot_8.4 <- combine_plots(list(p_1, p_2, p_3))
save_plot(tableplot_8.4, filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/abb_8.4_greek_cmyk.pdf", width = 320, height = 226.2 / 2, encoding = "Greek.enc")
filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/abb_8.4_greek.pdf", tableplot_8.4,
width = 320, height = 226.2 / 2, units = "mm",
device = cairo_pdf
filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/test_table_greek.pdf", width = 320,
encoding = "Greek.enc"
## Okay, so either the letters are not rendered corretly, or the color model is wrong.