This vignette shows you how to plot lineplots from
data. The workflow is optimized for
Bildungstrend-graphs, but can be expanded for plotting other
data as well.
Lineplot for one group
Let’s take example data from the trend_mw
dataset. The first step in the workflow always is the data preparation.
This is needed to bring the eatRep
data into the correct
format for plotting.
dat_lineplot_1 <- prep_lineplot(
subgroup_var = "geschlecht" ## Leave this argument if you have only one subgroup
It might be necessary to do some slight manual data preparation:
## Don't do that if you only have one group in your data, or want to plot all groups
dat_lineplot_1 <- subset(dat_lineplot_1, subgroup_var == "total")
## For correctly displaying the state names:
dat_lineplot_1 <- process_bundesland(dat_lineplot_1)
And then we can already plot:
lineplot_1 <- plot_lineplot(dat_lineplot_1,
years_lines = list(c(2009, 2015), c(2015, 2022)),
years_braces = list(c(2009, 2015), c(2015, 2022)),
plot_settings = plotsettings_lineplot(default_list = lineplot_4x4)
## You haven't set a background_subgroup. This might lead to unexpected behaviour, if actually one group should be plotted in the background. Most times this will be the 'total' group.
save_plot(lineplot_1, filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/lineplot_1_group.pdf")
Lineplot for two groups
dat_lineplot_2 <- prep_lineplot(
subgroup_var = "geschlecht"
dat_lineplot_2 <- process_bundesland(dat_lineplot_2)
## We can set the order of the brace labels by setting the factor levels of the subgroup_var:
dat_lineplot_2$subgroup_var <- factor(dat_lineplot_2$subgroup_var, levels = c("w", "m", "total"), ordered = TRUE)
lineplot_2 <- plot_lineplot(
years_lines = list(c(2009, 2015), c(2015, 2022)),
years_braces = list(c(2009, 2015), c(2015, 2022)),
background_subgroup = "total",
plot_settings = plotsettings_lineplot(subgroup_colours = c(w = "#000000", m = "#999999"), ## Here we determine the colours of the subgroups
default_list = lineplot_4x4)
save_plot(lineplot_2, filename = "C:/Users/hafiznij/Downloads/lineplot_2_groups.pdf")