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Plot a lineplot.


  facet_var = "TR_BUNDESLAND",
  point_est = "est_comparison_none",
  point_sig = "sig_comparison_crossDiffTotal",
  line_sig = "sig_comparison_trend",
  line_se = "se_comparison_none",
  brace_label_est = "est_comparison_trend",
  brace_label_se = "se_comparison_trend",
  brace_label_sig_superscript = NULL,
  brace_label_sig_bold = "sig_comparison_trend",
  years_lines = list(),
  years_braces = list(),
  background_facet = "total",
  background_subgroup = NULL,
  box_facet = NULL,
  title_superscripts = NULL,
  plot_settings = plotsettings_lineplot()



Input is a list prepared by prep_lineplot().


Character string of the column name in eatPlot_dat containing the variable that should be split over multiple facets. Defaults to NULL.


Character string of the column name in eatPlot_dat containing the y-values for the plotted points. Defaults to NULL.


Character string of the column name containing significance values for point_values. Defaults to NULL.


Character string of the column name containing significance values for line_values. Defaults to "sig_Trend_noComp", which will show the significance of the difference between two time points.


Character vector of the column name containing the standard errors for the plotted lines. Defaults to NULL, in which case they will be deducted from the line values.


Character string of the column name containing the brace labels.


Character string of the column name containing the standard errors for label_est. Will be put in bracktes behind label_est.


Character string of the column name containing significance values for label_est. Significant values will be marked by a raised 'a'. Normally, should be the comparison of the trend vs. the trend in whole Germany, which can be found in the trendDiff_cross parameter. Defaults to NULL, as this parameter is not always provided.


Character string of the column name containing significance values for label_est. Significant values will be marked as bold. Defaults to "sig_Trend_noComp".


List of numeric vectors containing the start and end year, between which a trend line should be plotted. Per default, lines are drawn from every year to the next consecutive year.


List of numeric vectors containing the start and end year, between which a brace should be plotted. Per default, braces are drawn from the last year to every other year included in the data.


Character string in the facet_var column that is assigned to the whole group. It will not plotted as extra facet, but as background line. Defaults to "Deutschland".


Character string in the subgroup_var column that is assigned to the whole group. It will not plotted as extra facet, but in the background line. Defaults to NULL.


Character vector, containing strings from the seperate_plot_var-column, that should get a box drawn around them.


Named list for superscripts at the plot_titles. The name of the list element has to be equal to the title, the value of the list element has to be the superscript. Defaults to NULL.


Named list constructed with plotsettings_lineplot(). Defaults to a list with all settings set to 0. There are several predefined lists with optimized settings for different plots. See plotsettings_lineplot() for an overview.


ggplot2 object.


# tbd